HEX-BEAM MARK II HD by SP7IDX Technology, 6 Bands. (April 2014)


 Vorrei dire a chi sta pensando di acquistare una BEAM e non vuole spendere una fortuna questa è la BEAM ideale, peso leggero (9 Kg) molto molto facile da montare e si adatta a qualsiasi piccolo giardino o tetto.
Non necessita di nessuna ottimizzazione o alterazioni, è plug and play appena montata si inizia a lavorare tutte le stazioni.
Mi congratulo con Waldi SP7IDX per la progettazione/costruzione di questa antenna a banda larga eccellente F/B, La consiglio!!!!!.

 Ho ricevuto la mia SP7IDX Hex-Beam 6 Bande il 16/4/2014 é andata su, la signorina funziona e benissimo ho subito lavorato il primo DX (A35X Tonga Is.) in 15 e 17 metri con soli 100 Watts del K3, é molto più tranquilla rispetto alla Cushcraft A3S beam.
Per il montaggio è tutto segnato, ottimo manuale, plug and play e si va in aria.
L' SWR è eccellente in tutte le 6 bande praticamente piatto, per la prima volta non faccio uso di un ATU.


Six bands beam in range from 6 to 20 meters is Up



A sincere thanks goes to Carlo IV3NUR and Raffaele IV3NVB, tnx!!

HEX-BEAM MARK II HD - 5 el. 50 Mhz by Antenna Amplifiers - HF2V (May 2023)

(July 2014) Came the new Butternut HF2V vertical antenna for 80/40 mt. band, next to be mounted on the roof.

(Ago 2014) Also the Vertical antenna HF2V by Butternut for 40/80 mt is UP, good job, good SWR, good all!!!.









(Ago 2014) Selfie after work with rear the antennas, IV3NVB - IV3XNF - IV3NUR - thanks !!!! .

IV3XNF G5RV antenna is Up (March 2019 - May 2023)

On Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, IV3XNF, IV3NUR and IV3FGT, installed the new G5RV antenna on the rooftop of the my house. We were assisted by a beautifull day. The antenna was mounted inverted V across the rooftop and is anchored to 1,50 mt haigh from the gutter. The G5RV design was engineered by Louis Varney (G5RV) in 1946. My G5RV it's manufacted by MFJ (MFJ-1778) The drawing is a basic dipole with 15.50 m elements, fed by 10.13 meters of impedance-matching symmetric 450 ohm ladder line. With use of a tuner, the G5RV is resonant from 80M - 10M. All anchored on a 10mt high fiberglass heavy duty pole by

I do not have land available to be able to put poles and mount the G5RV as planned, i.e. horizontal, but on 35 mt of space of my condominium roof the only way to follow is upwards, therefore with a very resistant 10 mt rod (by DXwire) the configuration is inverted V with a 90 ° angle. The G5RV compared to the Vertical HF2V has proved to be really competitive, its orientation is East-West, therefore the signals coming from these directions are far stronger than the HF2V of about 20/30 dB, and it is also very silent therefore very clean signals. The first real Dx was 07/04/2019 with VI9NI, great satisfaction. What to say ......... good DX to me. 73s

Equipment for HAM activity:

Rigs: K-Line By Elecraft


ELecraft K3/100 #7967 (Updated: Feb.2014)

(all enhancements installed)


Panadapter P3 #3049


KAT500 #1329 (Updated: July 2014)

KPA500 #2069 (Updated: July 2014)



QRP ELecraft KX3 #7436 (Updated: Mar.2015)

(all enhancements installed)


Icom IC775DSP (used for contest)

Icom IC-7300 (backup)

Kenwood tm 733 (vhf-uhf)

Software: DxLab Suite. Digital Interface: - MicroKEYER II with K3 Elecraft; HomeMade interface with Icom IC775DSP. SignaLink USB with KX3.

New setup QRP for outdoor: KX3 #7436 by Elecraft (March 2015)

Old setup QRP: Yaesu FT-817ND with DX-Key







Stacca/Attacca antenne !!

Patch Panel Antennas!!

My paddles

New entry oct. 2014 KENT single paddle key






January 2015, new entry LP100A, very accurate instrument for monitoring station performance.